Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Ban smoking in all vehicles, doctors demand - protect the young.

  • Smoking should be banned in all cars as well as in public places where young people congregate, doctors are urging.
  • The Royal College of Physicians wants England's imminent review of anti-smoking laws to consider such measures to protect the young.
    It says passive smoking results in 300,000 extra child visits to GPs in the UK every year for problems such as asthma and bacterial meningitis.
  • But driving and smoking lobby groups say cars are a "private space". = idiots / these people should be considered as pedo... right!
  • Wheezing
    A number of medical bodies have supported a ban on smoking in cars transporting children, but the RCP goes a significant step further, urging a blanket ban on anyone lighting up in a vehicle - regardless of whether children or indeed any other passengers are inside. = very good.
  • It is calling for a two-pronged approach which would see children protected from second-hand smoke and shielded from the sight of adults smoking - whether in the playground or on the TV.
  • The RCP's report - Passive Smoking and Children - is being released ahead of the three-year review of the ban on smoking in enclosed public spaces in England. Similar bans have been introduced across the UK, with Scotland having led the way.
  • Drawing on a series of studies, the report suggests that in the UK, tens of thousands of youngsters are falling ill as a result of exposure to cigarette smoke.
  • Exclusion zones
    These calculations include 20,000 chest infections, some 22,000 new cases of asthma and wheezing, as well as 200 cases of bacterial meningitis and 40 cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - or cot death.
  • When will they learn... idiots it took them this long to reqest for the law to be passed, and how long will it take to get this passed... idiots
  • Ban smoking in public places, if someone want to smoke in public, let them do it just like when some people want to have sex, they do it when no one around. get it, still they get arrested if they cought, I would let the smokers off, long as they do not do it front of others.

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